
[fw-auth] Re: [zf-contributors] Re: [fw-auth] Re: [zf-contributors] Feedback on Zend_Auth_Adapter_Flexible?

>> All that said, I'm starting to wonder if my proposal might work better as an
>> action helper, since the main benefit is the simplification of controller
>> logic? It may be more complicated than that, but it's probably worth some
>> thought; any ideas?

> This sounds like application logic in many ways -- even the forms would
> differ for each in some cases (OpenID would require a URL only; LDAP and/or
> DbTable would require user/pass, etc.). This sounds like several

> The form part could be handled userland, but yes, an action helper that
> takes the form input and does the adapter delegation makes sense.

I'd like to see you explore the controller/action-helper route.
Currently, there is not much in the way of helpers or plugins that aid
Zend_Auth in "coupling" with an applications AuthController.

Much like the viewRenderer helps the controller's job of interacting
with Zend_View, I think it makes alot of sense to have something like,
say, "authSelector" to help decide and load various pieces to the
authentication puzzle: forms, views, form helpers, and finally actual
auth adapter.

While, the term "flexible" is good, I think we need to find something
more succinct that will, by name, identify its job to the developer
immediately. Since you haven't gotten many comments on the original
proposal, I can only guess that the naming is not something developers
are immediately drawn to as its name does not conjure up any visions of
what job it actually does.

Looking forward to your feedback now that I have a better grasp on what
it is you are attempting to do!

