> method MUST be implemented, but there's no enforcing of it. I can see that
> extending classes (the one that I checked the most was
> Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo) do implement the method.
Ironically, I've recently noticed the same thing and create
fixed in:
This tends to happen with software that grows organically. I am sure it
was on oversight.
> So, I wonder why _prepare is not declared in Zend_Db_Statement as "abstract
> protected function _prepare($sql);".
Since there is the possibility that people are implementing either the
interface and/or extending the base class Zend_Db_Statement, I did not
want to create a possible BC break in their code. So, instead of an
abstract method that is required to be implemented, the base
implementation now has an empty method called _prepare() that could be
overridden in the extending classes. This is the safest route to go so
that there is no BC break in cases where people have extended the base