
Re: [fw-mvc] Zend_Exception breaking changes since 19661

-- Емил Иванов / Emil Ivanov <emil.vladev@gmail.com> wrote
(on Wednesday, 16 December 2009, 03:13 PM +0200):
> Problem:
> In 19661 (trunk) Mathew has committed a workaround for php's odd
> behavior of swallowing stack traces when re-throwing an exception. But
> the fix is by throwing the special Zend_Exception - effectively
> swallowing the old exception for consumption.
> Use case:
> I implemented a custom redirecting machinery that relies on exceptions
> to work - the reason is that when a redirect happens in stock ZF the
> execution is not terminated (I should call return in the action - but
> what about redirects not in the action method, but some other helper
> function?).
> What I did is throw a special exception, then wrap the call to
> Zend_Controller_Front::dispatch() in try/catch and wait for this
> exception. If caught - redirect and terminate. (Yes, I had to
> monkey-patch Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase::dispatch() so set
> the FC::throwExceptions(true)).
> With the new change this is no longer possible.

The change is actually part of this proposal:


Its basic premise is to provide forward-compatibility with PHP 5.3
exceptions, which allow passing a "previous" exception as the third
argument to the constructor:

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Foo_Exception('Something failed', 0, $e);

This provides the ability to see the original exception (and nest
exceptions) during debugging.

When I merged the support to trunk, the only changes I made were to look
for places where exceptions were re-thrown, and to pass the third
argument. In a few cases, the original exception is rethrown (which is
really kind of a ridiculous practice), and I threw a new component
exception so that the full stack trace could be seen.

>From your description, I'm really not sure what particular part of the
changeset is affecting you. Could you provide the customizations that
you have? That may help me better identify what has changed -- and how
you may need to adapt your code to accomodate the new exception
signature (which, again, is what the signature is in 5.3 and above).

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead | matthew@zend.com
Zend Framework | http://framework.zend.com/
