
Re: [fw-mvc] Some possible issues with 1.10.1 auto-loading

It is actually not (!) in there. It displays the path, and it says that
C:\php\pear is there, but C:\php5\pear is not there, and that is clearly
where (a part of) ZF is located.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Pieter Kokx
PHP Developer
Zend Framework developer

Cristian Bichis schreef:
> As i mentioned there is no environment (apache, php, aso) or
> application change other than using 1.10.1 instead of 1.10.0.
>> That's already added, of course...
>>> It looks like you need to add "c:\php5\pear" to your open_basedir
>>> restriction in your php.ini file. I think that is the issue.
>>> -ralph
>>> Cristian Bichis wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was working on a ZF application based on ZF 1.10.0.
>>>> After i migrated to ZF 1.10.1 all over the application are errors
>>>> beacuse some resources doesn't seems to be auto-loaded properly.
>>>> Basically, as far as i understand the autoloader is actually only
>>>> trying to use the last path from include_path and doesn't even
>>>> bother to check for the first.
>>>> Here is my include_path:
>>>> set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(
>>>> BASE_PATH . '/library',
>>>> get_include_path()
>>>> )));
>>>> I tried to switch all the application resources to use absolute
>>>> path but errors again....
>>>> Sample for Application Resources...
>>>> <b>Warning</b>: is_readable() [<a href='function.is-readable
>>>> <view-source:http://vxwiki2/function.is-readable>'>function.is-readable</a>]:
>>>> open_basedir restriction in effect.
>>>> File(C:\php5\pear/ZendX/Application/Resource/Log.php) is not within
>>>> the allowed path(s):
>>>> (D:\_Work\;D:\wamp\;C:\Windows\Temp\;c:\php\pear\) in
>>>> <b>D:\wamp\frameworks\ZendFramework-1.10.1\Zend\Loader.php</b> on
>>>> line <b>190</b><br />
>>>> <br />
>>>> <b>Warning</b>: is_readable() [<a href='function.is-readable
>>>> <view-source:http://vxwiki2/function.is-readable>'>function.is-readable</a>]:
>>>> open_basedir restriction in effect.
>>>> File(C:\php5\pear/Application/Application/Resource/Log.php) is not
>>>> within the allowed path(s):
>>>> (D:\_Work\;D:\wamp\;C:\Windows\Temp\;c:\php\pear\) in
>>>> <b>D:\wamp\frameworks\ZendFramework-1.10.1\Zend\Loader.php</b> on
>>>> line <b>190</b><br />
>>>> <br />
>>>> <b>Warning</b>: is_readable() [<a href='function.is-readable
>>>> <view-source:http://vxwiki2/function.is-readable>'>function.is-readable</a>]:
>>>> open_basedir restriction in effect.
>>>> File(C:\php5\pear/Imagis/Application/Resource/Log.php) is not
>>>> within the allowed path(s):
>>>> (D:\_Work\;D:\wamp\;C:\Windows\Temp\;c:\php\pear\) in
>>>> <b>D:\wamp\frameworks\ZendFramework-1.10.1\Zend\Loader.php</b> on
>>>> line <b>190</b><br />
>>>> Sample for view helpers:
>>>> <b>Warning</b>: is_readable() [<a href='function.is-readable
>>>> <view-source:http://vxwiki2/function.is-readable>'>function.is-readable</a>]:
>>>> open_basedir restriction in effect.
>>>> File(C:\php5\pear/D:/_Work/vxwiki2/application/modules/default/views\helpers/Partial.php)
>>>> is not within the allowed path(s):
>>>> (D:\_Work\;D:\wamp\;C:\Windows\Temp\;c:\php\pear\) in
>>>> <b>D:\wamp\frameworks\ZendFramework-1.10.1\Zend\Loader.php</b> on
>>>> line <b>190</b><br />
>>>> I didn't posted on Issue tracker yet the issue...
>>>> --
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Cristian Bichis
>>>> www.zftutorials.com | www.zfforums.com | www.zftalk.com |
>>>> www.zflinks.com
