resources.router.routes.default.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route"
resources.router.routes.default.route = ":lang/:controller/:action/*"
resources.router.routes.default.defaults.lang = "en-gb"
resources.router.routes.default.defaults.module = "default"
resources.router.routes.default.defaults.controller = "index"
resources.router.routes.default.defaults.action = "index"
resources.router.routes.default.reqs.lang = "[a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2}"
Then, in your lang plugin, check the request early (like in routeShutdown) to see if the request matched a route. If not, you know the user didn't provide a valid language pattern, and you can forward or redirect to a valid page (maybe redirect to the same URL but prefixed with "en-gb/").
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 5:54 AM, dbenjamin <> wrote:
Hi, The same subject again and again. Adding the locale into URL to simulate a "one folder per language" structure with MVC. Just like the official Zend website does, but how exactly ? :) It's really complicated to add this behaviour with Zend routes and by browsing forums i never found a viable solution. The solution that comes up most often is : - redefine default routes - a plugin to get lang param and initialize Zend_Locale/Zend_Translate But that's not enough ! We need to handle the following cases : - the lang param is not valid - the lang param is missing (ex. has to be redirected to Let's assume an user enter the following url :, we have to return a 404 error page, handled by the ErrorHandler plugin. But that's not possible, in our plugin we will get "dsqdsq" as the lang param value and throwing manually a 404 error from within a plugin is not handled by the ErrorHandler. Plus, we will maybe have to redirect automatically the user to : "", but "dsqdsq" is a module ? a controller ? an action ? Who knows and how to redirect to a good url. In other words, if the first param is not a valid lang, we have to add the default language to the url and shift all the parts of the url (complicated). I'm wasting a loooot of precious time with that stuff ! :) Is there a solution that works for all cases ? Maybe with apache rewrite rules ? Thanks. (and sorry if my english is sometimes hard :p) Cdt, Benjamin.
View this message in context: Language in URL: always a particular case !
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