
[fw-db] Zend_Db_Table sequences and MySql problem



I have a problem with Zend_Db_Table / Zend_Db_Table_Abstract and would like to ask for some advice.

In my current project I am trying to support both MySql and Oracle Databases.

I am using subtypes of Zend_Db_Table defining objects representing my database tables on the php side, a simple example:






class  Model_MailWorklist extends Zend_Db_Table






    protected $_schema   = 'ONLINEMARKETING';


    protected $_name     = 'BACKGROUND_MAIL_WORKLIST';


    protected $_primary  = 'ID';


    protected $_sequence = 'ONLINEMARKETING.COUNTER_BG_WORK';








As one may have noticed I am using sequences with my Oracle database, so something like this just works fine:












$_mailWorkList = new Model_MailWorklist();




$_nextPrimaryKey = $_mailWorkList










               'SUBSCRIBER_ID' => $_singleTransferRecipientId,


               'NEWSLETTER_ID' => $_newsletterDispatchNewsletterId,


               'DISPATCH_DATE' => $newsletterDispatchDateTime,


               'DISPATCHED'    => 0,


               'DISPATCH_TYPE' => 'main'














Now I am tying to use the same code with my MySql Database, which rather uses [i] auto_increment [/i], instead of sequences.

Sine I need to define [i] protected $_sequence [/i] for handling my Oracle database, I hoped that for the MySql case Zend_Db_Table will just ignore the specified sequence and the [i]insert()[/i] function returns the next inserted primary key. But as long as [i] protected $_sequence [/i] is set to some string value in my Model_MailWorklist-Class, Zend will try to use it and the [i]insert()[/i] function just returns [i]FALSE[/i]. The responsible Framework code:








abstract class Zend_Db_Table_Abstract






  protected $_sequence = true;




  public function insert(array $data)








        if (is_string($this->_sequence) && !isset($data[$pkIdentity])) {


            $data[$pkIdentity] = $this->_db->nextSequenceId($this->_sequence);










:\ ... Now I dislike the solution of adding a check for the database type currently active to every init method of subtypes of Zend_Db_Table and set [i]$this->_sequence [/i] if running on Oracle.

My current “brute force solution” is extending Zend_Db_Table, lests say ZendX_Db_Table:








class ZendX_Db_Table extends Zend_Db_Table






    public function __construct($config = array(), $definition = null)




        parent::__construct($config, $definition);










    private function set_transparent_sequence()




        if( $this->_db instanceof Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql )




            $this->_sequence = true;















The only problem, now I need to use ZendX_Db_Table instead of Zend_Db_Table in my whole application. My question is, is there maybe a more efficient way instead of introducing a whole new class level to my application, just to make Zend ignore sequences when working with MySql?

Is this even a Zend-Bug or does this behaviour make sense and there is a reason supporting sequences in MySql?






Richard Tantius

Software Engineer




Gotenstr. 7-9

53175 Bonn

Tel.:        +49 (0)228 / 4 22 86 - 32

Fax.:       +49 (0)228 / 4 22 86 - 66

E-Mail:   r.tantius@binserv.de

Web:      www.binserv.de



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