
Re: [fw-mvc] Redirecting to Controller/Action in Bootstrap

The bootstrap does not know about the request yet since it's about setting up your application, the dispatching happens afterwards. You should not use it for authentication and can not use it routing purposes.

You need a frontcontroller plugin for this.

Hope this helps,


On 07 Sep 2010, at 10:18, ROZE Samuel wrote:

I'm using Zend_Auth with LDAP to authenticate users. The authenfication proccess is in the Bootstrap class, un a "_initAuth" method.
I've a problem: if the auth failed or if users press "Cancel" on the WWW-Authenticate window, the page is loaded.. How I can change the Controller and the Action in the Bootstrap? I tried:
$this->_front->getRequest()->setParam('controller', 'index');
$this->_front->getRequest()->setParam('action', 'authentification');
But it doesn't works.
Can you help-me ?
Samuel ROZE.
Communauté Urbaine de Lille, France.
