
[fw-core] Re: Zend_Cache_Frontend_Page and headers_sent() (7A2-99B)

This bug is preventing me from using page caching. I've created an
issue in the issue tracker, and I'd really like to see this problem
solved before 1.6 is released.


Sorry if you get this twice... it was supposedly blocked the first time.

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:54 AM, Jordan Moore
<jordanryanmoore@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know why headers_sent() is being called inside of
> Zend_Cache_Frontend_Page::_flush()? If you're using output buffering,
> headers haven't been sent when _flush() is called, so checking for
> headers_sent() is preventing my headers from being cached (even though
> they can be returned by headers_list()).
> Let me know if this sounds reasonable, and I'll create an issue in the
> issue tracker.
> --
> Jordan Ryan Moore

Jordan Ryan Moore
