
[fw-mvc] [Zend_View] and global view vars best practice?

Hi every body,

I'm bringing back a subject about global view variables which have
already been discussed here

With global view variables I mean view variable setup in the bootstrap
and shared across views and partials. I mostly use them to store the url
of the application assets (css, images, javascript, swf, ...). I find
this method more elegant than using globals or constants.

I did this before partials and placeholder exits.

But now all the view variables are clear in the partials helpers so I
need to overload the partials cloneView() method and with the help of
the Zend_Registry I declare which vars are globals so they are not
cleared. Not very elegant though…

In the above thread Matthew recommend to use the placeholders helper to
be able to use view variables with global space.
But I'm to sure on how to properly use it :

Right now I'm doing something like this in my bootstrap:

$view->urlRoot = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$appConfig->url->base;
$view->urlAssets = 'http://'.$appConfig->url->assets;
$view->urlImages = $view->urlTheme.'/images';
$view->urlSwf = $view->urlTheme.'/swf';
$view->urlMedias = $view->urlAssets.'/medias';
$view->urlCss = $view->urlTheme.'/css';
$view->urlJs = $view->urlTheme.'/javascript';

So should I do:

1) One placeholder + key


2) A placeholder for each var


3) A special helper which extends


4) Keep using my current setup

5) Other suggestions?

What are your recommendations ?
I'm curious to know how others tackled this problem too.

Thanks for ridding this topics,


Laurent Melmoux
Conseil et Solutions Web | laurent@2mx.fr
2mx - Annecy, France | http://www.2mx.fr/
