
Re: [fw-db] Table Inheritance?

Greg Freeman wrote:
> Do you have any sample code? I am not sure the best way to do this. When I
> instantiate a row from a child table like validating_user, I would like
> the corresponding row in validating to be available as if it were one
> combined table.

Hi Greg, sorry, I saw your email (off-list) but I didn't get to it yet.
I'll do it here so it gets archived.

Here's an example of what I had in mind in my earlier suggestion:

// table classes for use by the domain model
class validating extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { }
class validating_email extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { }

// domain model extends no base class
class UserModel
protected function generate_key($email)
return md5($email);

public function requestEmail($uid, $emailAddress)
$key = $this->generate_key($emailAddress);

$valTable = new validating();
$valRow = $valTable->createRow();
$valRow->key = $key;
$valRow->user_id = (int) $uid;
$valRow->creation_date = new Zend_Db_Expr('CURRENT_DATE()');

$valEmailTable = new validating_email();
$valEmailRow = $valEmailTable->createRow();
$valEmailRow->key = $key;
$valEmailRow->email = $emailAddress;

try {
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
// log error, recover, whatever

$user = new UserModel();

$user->requestEmail(1234, 'user@example.org');

Bill Karwin
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