
RE: [fw-mvc] Auth against AztiveDirectory


I've found that the documentation on the website is a bit misleading in
getting a server to connect with Active Directory (AD). I've recently
gone through the process myself and had to refer to the source several
times to workout how to implement it. Also this is pretty difficult to
debug if you've previously setup an authorisation plugin like in
previous examples using a database table. If you have implemented this
plugin, disable it until you've proved the LDAP auth is working.

I'll assume you are attempting to follow the instructions here:

Firstly the config.ini setup required for AD:

Don't copy the example on the website completely. First off the line

"ldap.log_path = /tmp/ldap.log"

This line will cause issues when passing the options to
Zend_Auth_Adapter_Ldap as it doesn't provide an array. If you whis to
setup a log. I suggest having a different config option. (i.e.
log.ldap.log_path = /tmp/ldap.log)

Also make sure you *do not* have the line below in your config.ini.

"ldap.server.bindRequiresDn = 1"

This will perform a lookup on the uid (eDirectory/OpenLDAP) rather than
the sAMAccountName (AD)

A stupid point, but it's also worth mentioning is that you must have the
php module ldap.so loaded or available.

sudo apt-get install php5-ldap // if your running ubnutu

Hope this helps!


-----Original Message-----
From: Tobias Gies [mailto:tobiasgies@googlemail.com]
Sent: 29 January 2009 22:32
To: Jaime Garcia
Cc: fw-mvc@lists.zend.com
Subject: Re: [fw-mvc] Auth against AztiveDirectory

Hi Jamie,

you can use Zend_Ldap and Zend_Auth_Adapter_Ldap for that task.
Examples of how to use Zend_Ldap with AD can be found in the manual.

Best regards,

2009/1/29 Jaime Garcia <jgarcia@vali.com.mx>:
> Hi my friends,
> Has anyone authenticated users against Active Directory using MVC ZF?
> Best regards,
> J.G.
