
Re: [fw-mvc] redirector switch between HTTP and HTTPS

Great!  That would be very helpful for cases where you want to redirect users to http based pages so it's faster for requests that don't really need HTTPS.  Same can be achieved for site navigation links.  I could contribute some code.  How does that work?  Do I still have to go through the whole process of submitting proposals and all that?

Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
-- Yi Tang <ytang@mbira.com> wrote (on Wednesday, 28 January 2009, 12:34 PM -0600):   
While working on always redirecting users to a HTTP base of the site in   some cases, it hit me that there is no such support in redirector   helper.  Wouldn't it be nice to have the ability to switch between HTTP   and HTTPS easily when redirecting?     
 Usually, this sort of thing is done at the HTTP level -- e.g., apache. However, with the recent addition of hostname and chain support in the router, we may be able to add support for this in the routes -- which would then propagate to the url helper. This would allow seeding redirects with appropriate URLs.    
