special handling for data types without a describe statement for every table used in a query.
The "feature" was removed for API consistency, amongst other things. You could _easily_ extend
Zend_Db_Table_Abstract to implement this, if you wanted.
On 24/02/2009 3:40 PM, Vince42 wrote:
> Hi,
> Jaka Jančar schrieb:
>> I can't imagine how this could happen. Can you provide an example
>> table and selects?
> This is really odd ... i just removed all the type casts - and now it
> works. Three seems no problem with the quoting anymore - great. :)
> But the point remains: the fetched values should be converted as the
> meta data of the database table specifies the data type and it shouldn't
> be a big deal to implement such a functionality - or would it?