I was just made aware that the Zend_Media url was incorrect. It’s proper email is
Jon Whitcraft P: (317) 492-8623 - F: (317) 492-6419 |
From: Whitcraft, Jon
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 8:40 AM
To: Zend Framework Contributors (zf-contributors@lists.zend.com); Zend Framework MVC
Cc: 'sven@vollbehr.eu'
Subject: Two Proposals Ready for Review
Hello all,
I would like to announce the following two proposals are ready for review.
Zend_Io: http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFPROP/Zend_Io+-+Sven+Vollbehr
Zend_Io is a package providing means to read/write primitive PHP types (string, integers, ...) to a character stream.
Zend_Media: http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFPROP/Zend_Io+-+Sven+Vollbehr
Zend_Media is a collection of classes representing various media file formats. Classes structure information of the files according to the file format standards and provide means to manipulate the information in an object oriented fashion.
Sven has been working hard on these and I have been helping him with the processes. Zend_Media requires Zend_Io
Please comment on these proposals so we can get the ball rolling for 1.9 or 1.10
Jon Whitcraft P: (317) 492-8623 - F: (317) 492-6419 |
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