Thank you for pointing out how this could be accomplished.
Joseph Crawford
On Jul 6, 2009, at 5:50 PM, Andrew Pace wrote:
Joseph,I have done something similar using multiple tables to manage user details. I have provided snippets of the code that I use, so I hope this helps. In the database, I use a table called "users" and "users_profile" to store all data related to a user. When I authenticate a user, I want information from both tables, "users" and "users_profile". I do this by first implementing the loginAction pasted below. As you can see, this authenticates using Auth_Adapter_DbTable. Once successful, I use the resultRowObject to obtain the "user_id". I use this user_id to load all data from the "users" table into an object. Within the "users" table, I then implement a custom function called "postLoad", which then instantiates and loads the "users_profile" data. With this I then write the data to the identity, using a custom function within the "users" class call "CreateAuthIdentity," which I have pasted below. As you can see, $this->profile refers to data out of the second table "users_profile," not out of "users".I hope this helps.Andrew PacePS: Custom_DatabaseObject is essentially the same as Zend_Db_Tablepublic function loginAction(){// if a user's already logged in, send them to their account home page$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();if ($auth->hasIdentity())$this->_redirect('/account');$request = $this->getRequest();// determine the page the user was originally trying to request$redirect = $request->getPost('redirect');if (strlen($redirect) == 0)$redirect = $request->getServer('REQUEST_URI');if (strlen($redirect) == 0)$redirect = '/account';// initialize errors$errors = array();// process login if request method is postif ($request->isPost()){// fetch login details from form and validate them$username = $request->getPost('username');$password = $request->getPost('password');if (strlen($username) == 0)$errors['username'] = 'Required field must not be blank.';if (strlen($password) == 0)$errors['password'] = 'Required field must not be blank.';if (count($errors) == 0){// setup the authentication adapter$adapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($this->db,'users','username','password','sha1(?)');$adapter->setIdentity($username);$adapter->setCredential($password);// try and authenticate the user$result = $auth->authenticate($adapter);if ($result->isValid()){$user = new Custom_DatabaseObject_User($this->db);$user->load($adapter->getResultRowObject()->user_id);// record login attempt$user->loginSuccess();// create identity data and write it to session$identity = $user->createAuthIdentity();$auth->getStorage()->write($identity);// send user to page they originally request$this->_redirect($redirect);}// record failed login attemptCustom_DatabaseObject_User::LoginFailure($username,$result->getCode());$errors['username'] = 'Your login details were invalid.';}}$this->view->username = $username;$this->view->password = $password;$this->view->errors = $errors;$this->view->redirect = $redirect;}---------------------------------------------------public function createAuthIdentity(){$identity = new stdClass;$identity->user_id = $this->getId();$identity->username = $this->username;$identity->user_type = $this->user_type;$identity->first_name = $this->profile->first_name;$identity->last_name = $this->profile->last_name;$identity->email = $this->profile->email;return $identity;}On Jul 6, 2009, at 1:59 PM, Joseph Crawford wrote:Hello Everyone,I had my authentication adapter working just fine using the actual database table of isp_partners_aux. I needed to join it with isp_partners though so that I could have the joined data in the users identity.I created a view in Mysql and it works find under the mysql command line client.I seem to get this error when using it with the Auth Adapter though.Message: The supplied parameters to Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable failed to produce a valid sql statement, please check table and column names for validity.I did some debugging by adding echo $dbSelect->__toString(); on line 306 of Auth/Adapter/DbTable.php and got shown the following query with the username and password marked with ** only for security in the email.SELECT `isp_partners_view`.*, (CASE WHEN `password` = '*****' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS `zend_auth_credential_match` FROM `isp_partners_view` WHERE (`username` = '*****')This query works fine in the mysql command line client so I am not sure why it is not working well when used with Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTableHas anyone else here successfully used the auth adapter with an MySQL view?Thanks,Joseph Crawford