OK, I did find a value piece of information.
The Join is only built if there exists a call of the FROM method in the select object!
$select-> (...)
Object I do build the select on is: Class Bugs for table bugs.
So I do expect to have a result like
SELECT bugs.* [, account.*] FROM bugs [INNER] join accounts on [CONDITION] WHERE ...
What I do get is always:
SELECT accounts, bugs.* FROM accounts [INNER] join bugs on [CONDITION] WHERE ...
In my opinion, this is similar to a bug, because the priority and order of the tables is confused.
If I have an object on table bugs, and I build the select based on this object:
Mathias Grub schrieb:$table = new Bugs();
$select = $table->select
then I do expect to have the Table bugs in the from clause an nowhere else (except if i join with bugs ...) But it does appear in the JOIN clause! any suggestion, did i miss something?
I'm trying to build a join with Zend_Db_Table.
Because it does not work at all, i tried the example from the doc, but it does also not work as expected:
$table = new Bugs(); // retrieve with from part set, important when joining $select = $table->select(Zend_Db_Table::SELECT_WITH_FROM_PART); $select->setIntegrityCheck(false) ->where('bug_status = ?', 'NEW') ->join('accounts', 'accounts.account_name = bugs.reported_by') ->where('accounts.account_name = ?', 'Bob'); //$rows = $table->fetchAll($select); $
->__toString() gives me a query for starting like SELECT accounts.* FROM accounts (NO JOIN !?) What I did expect, was to get a query for table Bugs: SELECT bugs.* FROM bugs INNER JOIN accounts ON ... Do joins in Zend_Db_Table work?