
RE: [fw-mvc] breakChainOnFailure

Then how does one validate dependent input? If certain fields need
certain validation criteria depending on a previous field containing
valid data, you can't properly validate the other fields. For example
suppose you wanted to check for valid zip codes based on the entered
state (so someone couldn't enter a NY zip code with state AZ. If someone
entered an invalid state and that failed its check, the remaining check
on the zip code would give a bogus "invalid" message. I'd rather it
simply suspend the rest of the form validation since the rest cannot be
validated properly.

This may fall into the needed feature bucket for future releases, unless
there is an easy workaround. I managed to find a clunky way of doing
this by sort of "pre-validating" the input of the field that the others
depend on so I can put in a conditional to addValidator for the affected
elements. That way if the pre-validation fails, no validators are added
at all. If the pre-validation passes, then the others are validated.

The way I implemented pre-validation was to pass the field input to the
form constructor. The form constructor has to gather some data from the
database anyway, so I simply compare that field input to this data to
ensure it is a valid selection. Hence it is pre-validated.

I looked through the code for isValid methods and it seems that this
would be a fairly easy feature to implement if there was a mechanism in
Zend_Form::isValid similar to breakChainOnFailure to tell it to stop
looping through the element validators once one comes back false. I
could even do that myself, but I'm reluctant to start tinkering around
changing the code base of ZF.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Weier O'Phinney [mailto:matthew@zend.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 4:56 PM
To: fw-mvc@lists.zend.com
Subject: Re: [fw-mvc] breakChainOnFailure

-- Seth Atkins <satkins@nortel.com> wrote (on Thursday, 16 July 2009,
02:47 PM -0500):
> I believe this feature works only within the scope of a single element

> validation. I may be misunderstanding how it works, but I believe it
> means that if the first validation fails, it stops validating and
> outputs only the first validation error message.

It means that if the given validator fails, it will not process any
validators occurring after it in the chain.

> What I am looking for is a way to break out of all form validation if
> an element fails. If several fields have validators set, and the first

> field fails its check, then I'd like the $form->isValid($data) to exit

> the validation loop that takes it through the remaining elements. I
> don't see a way to do this within the functions provided in ZF unless
> I am missing something. Am I missing something?

Zend_Form does not allow for this; it attempts to validate all elements,
so that you can return all possible validation errors for all elements
back to the user.

You could likely write a validator that you insert at the top of each
element that checks the parent form for any failed element validations
and skips validation -- but it would mark that element as failed in
validation as well.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead | matthew@zend.com
Zend Framework | http://framework.zend.com/
