
Re: [fw-mvc] howto: capture action output, stream it as pdf

Carlton Gibson-2 wrote:
> Okay, let's have another go. Zend_Layout's not magic. It's just
> particular. (And I'm trying to remember how it works without
> looking. :-)
> The idea behind this:
>> $this->_helper->ViewRenderer->render()
> was to get the content of the current action's view script into the
> Response object so that when you render the layout manually, the bit
> which goes:
> echo $this->layout()->content;
> has something to work on. That you're just getting the layout suggests
> that something has gone wrong.
> The old fashioned way of doing all this would be:
> $response = $this->getResponse();
> $response->appendBody($this->view->render(path/to/view/script.phtml));
> You could try that.

Still no good result. Now the layout html is appended to the template html.
We've lost the $this->layout()->content magic

Btw, the only method to prevent zf of outputting anything I could find is to
explicitly call


So the question how Zend_Layout works is still important. The workings are
hidden to users, but we need controll over its output in a controller
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