>> Sorry, you're dead right. (Except about it being magic :-)
>> If you look at Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout::postDispatch()
>> you'll see that the content from the response object is there
>> assigned to the layout instance. This I hadn't told you to do, which
>> is why you don't get the content when you manually render the layout.
Yes, this is a working way at least. To contribute back, here is a complete
example (it should be in the docs, because this is not too
function toPdfAction() {
// I need a different layout
// we need to do renderering ourselves.
/* @var $layout Zend_Layout */
$layout = $this->_helper->layout->getLayoutInstance();
$output = $layout->render();
// now we still need to ensure that the rendering is not sent to the
// now do something with $ouput
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/howto%3A-capture-action-output%2C-stream-it-as-pdf-tp24496539p24500594.html
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