I just switched one of our development sites from 1.9.2 to 1.10.0 tobegin testing, and the first issue I ran into was with Zend_Auth_Ldap(trying to authenticate against Active Directory). In the past, theadapter would simply try to bind with the username and credentialsbeing tested. If the bind was successful, the account existed.It now seems I have to specify a username and password in the LDAPconfiguration to successfully authenticate. Is this correct? If so,why was this change necessary?This is the second time I have had to spend time debugging LDAPauthentication due to a change in ZF. (The first was from 1.8 to 1.9when, for some unexplained reason, I found that I had to changeaccountCanonicalForm from 2 to 4.) What is more frustrating is thatthere are no migration notes regarding Zend_Auth_Ldap for 1.9 or 1.10.Andrew