-Verify if you are calling isValid on the form after adding the validator.
-Verify if the value is not empty, maybe empty isAllowed
-Verify if earlier validators have breakChainOnFailure set to false, if they break the chain, your validator never gets called if an earlier validator returns false
Op 9-3-2010 10:13, Jigal sanders schreef:
ello Everyone,
I am trying to get my UniqueEmail validator working but it seems that my validator is never triggered.
This is my form:
class EventManager_Form_User_Base extends SF_Form_Abstract{ public function init(){ $this->addElementPrefixPath( 'EventManager_Validate', APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/eventManager/models/validate', 'validate' ); (...) $this->addElement('text','usr_email', array( 'filters' => array('StringTrim', 'StringToLower'), 'valdators' => array( array('StringLength',true,array(3,128)), array('EmailAddress'), array('UniqueEmail', false, array(new EventManager_Model_User())), ), 'required' => true, 'label' => 'email', )); (...) }
And here is my validator
class EventManager_Validate_UniqueEmail extends Zend_Validate_Abstract{ const EMAIL_EXISTS = 'emailExists'; protected $_messageTemplates = array( Self::EMAIL_EXISTS => 'Email "%value%" already exists in our system', ); public function __constructs(EventManager_Model_User $model){ $this->_model = $model; } public function isValid($value,$context = null){ $this->_setValue($value); $currentUser = isset($context['usr_id']) ? $this->_model->getUserById($context['user_id']) : null; $user = $this->_model->getUserByEmail($value, $currentUser); if(null === $user){ return true; } $this->_error(self::EMAIL_EXISTS); return false; } }
When I add the line
var_dump($value); exit;
in the first line of my isValid() function and then run my form. then the code just runs but seems not to get into my validator.
I am running zf 1.10.1 any idea's / suggestions?
J sanders
Bart McLeod Space Web Middenlaan 47 6865 VN Heveadorp The Netherlands t +31(0)26 3392952 m 06 51 51 89 71 @ info@spaceweb.nl www.spaceweb.nl | Bart McLeod is a Zend Certified Engineer. |