
[fw-webservices] Zend_Rest - Zend_Http_Client changing arguments


I am trying to use Zend_Rest with the Flickr-API, wanting to use one of
the "signed" method calls. These require the arguments to be in a
certain order.

This failed using Zend_Rest, I then dumped the Zend_Http_Client object,
and found the property paramsGet , which I suppose is the array that
holds the query parameters for the get-request.

[paramsGet:protected] => Array
[method] => flickr.auth.getToken
[arg1] => e30c9490736794845e10a58753492239
[api_key] => e30c9490736794845e10a58753492239
[frob] => 72157624310932518-b0e116d497a3b043-49815721
[api_sig] => b7b0042b0276668d6103829aca9abf97
[rest] => 1

It seems that
- the order of the arguments is not contained,
- an argument "arg1" is added for some reason
- another argument "rest" is added

Is there a reason for that ? Any thoughts whether this is a bug , or how
to "turn it off" .

Btw, I am using Zend_Rest like
... etc

Thanks for your help.
Regards, Matthias
