
Re: [fw-mvc] Extending navigation view helpers

I ended up doing exactly that (you hack), so I'm really curious aswell to see other people's suggestions on this.


On 24 Jun 2010, at 00:40, Hector Virgen wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to extend Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu to modify one of its methods. However, when calling $this->navigation()->menu() from within a view, I always get the ZF version instead of my custom version. This seems to happen because Zend_View_Helper_Navigation implicitly adds Zend/View/Helper/Navigation to the end of the view helper's plugin loader stack. Due to the stack being LIFO, it always returns the ZF helper instead of mine.
> Any suggestions on how to get around this? I'm considering giving my extended version a different name (such as "mymenu") but that seems like a bit of a hack.
> --
> Hector
