> This would then set a separate view object for the Dojo view helper than
> you use for the rest of the application. I'm not sure it makes any
> sense, to be honest.
> Create an alternate View resource -- the code provided will use
> whatever view resource is registered, which I think is more in line with
> what you might want to achieve.
Thanks for the help Matthew! The use case I have is that there are three
virtual hosts that point to the same codebase, i.e. they all consume the
same resources. However, the view resource is slightly different for each
vhost. So I created a unique view resource for each host: MainView,
AdminView, StagingView. So I wanted to be able to tell a the Dojo resource
which view to use. However, in writing about this, I just realized I can use
the view resource that ships with ZF and do any other tweaking in the
Bootstrap. I didn't think of this last night. (Was jacked up on coffee and
fatigue). So I'll go with that. Thanks again for your input.