We originally intended to ship a CAPTCHA form element in 1.5, but due to
time constraints, were unable to prepare it in time. Since then, we have
approved two components that can serve as additional adapters to it
-- Zend_Text_Figlet and Zend_Service_ReCaptcha.
Captcha adapters implement Zend_Validate_Interface, and also provide
their own interface with methods for generating and rendering the
captcha. The design is such that they could actually be used outside
Zend_Form in most cases; you could theoretically create a web service
that generates captchas, much like the ReCaptcha service.
When used with Zend_Form, you would create a Zend_Form_Element_Captcha
element for your form, and tell it which captcha adapter you wish to use
(you can even indicate a plugin prefix path for specifying your own
adapters). When the adapter is registered with the element, it also
registers it as a validator -- which allows you to use the element
out-of-the-box with no additional work. Additionally, it utilizes a
Captcha decorator by default (which uses the adapter's render method
to render the actual captcha).
The original design of the component had all adapters under
Zend_Form_Element_Captcha. We have decided that since the adapters can
actually be used standalone, and because we do not want to have any
confusion between elements and adapters in the Zend_Form_Element
namespace, that we should move the adapters to their own top-level
namespace, Zend_Captcha. This decision, however, never went through a
formal community proposal.
At this time, we'd like to hear from you, the potential users of
Zend_Captcha. We are prepared to finish testing and documentation for
the component in time for 1.6.0RC2. However, we would like to know if
there are any in the community who would like further time to review the
component and/or a formal proposal. If so, we can easily push completion
to 1.7 (which should follow very quickly after 1.6.0).
What are _your_ thoughts? Include Captcha in 1.6, or postpone to allow
for more feedback?
Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect | matthew@zend.com
Zend Framework | http://framework.zend.com/