Hmmm, it seems the comments problem was my fault, please don't worry about it. I can't reproduce it again, sorry for the false alarm.
Thanks for the method call! If it will default to this, then there is no problem at all.
Best regards,
Guillaume Rossolini
Hmmm, it seems the comments problem was my fault, please don't worry about it. I can't reproduce it again, sorry for the false alarm.
Thanks for the method call! If it will default to this, then there is no problem at all.
Best regards,
Guillaume Rossolini
On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <matthew@zend.com> wrote:
-- Guillaume Rossolini <g.rossolini@gmail.com> wrote
(on Monday, 04 August 2008, 02:17 PM +0200):
> Since streams are used in view scripts, I have noticed two things that do notFirst, you can disable the streams:
> work any more:
> - I can't comment out any code in my view scripts;
> - I can't put a break point with Xdebug.
> Does anyone know of a way around this?
(this will be by default before the 1.6.0 final release, actually;
you'll need to explicitly enable the setting)
Second, how are you commenting out code in your view scripts, exactly? I
can't reproduce this particular issue...
Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect | matthew@zend.com
Zend Framework | http://framework.zend.com/