
Re: [fw-mvc] Possible noob question about mvc and "modules/plugins"

I guess you are looking for ViewHelpers and ActionHelpers


gijscom schreef:
> Hello,
> I am just getting to know zend framework a bit. But as all the other MVC
> frameworks i am missing some things or i just use the wrong phrases like
> modules and plugins wrong or it's something else i can't understand.
> I understand the whole mvc concept, but just for one "module" like blog. But
> a blog post could have a survey that als should be mvc or the last 10 most
> read articles should have a mvc.
> I just don't know how to fit these small module/plugins in the whole
> "normal" mvc concept.
> I started the project with the conventional modular dir structure like:
> http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.modular.html
> But i understand that modules like blog, news forum etc are big modules that
> are applications on there own. How can i fit/create the small "modules" like
> a survey or shoutbox. Well all the stuff you can put in a sidebar that have
> there own mvc module so you can re-use them.
> I think i am just searching for the wrong phrases like modulair and plugin
> so if you can get me started that would be nice. A code example on how to
> load these modules would be even better ;)
> Regards Gijs
