(on Thursday, 23 October 2008, 09:22 AM +1100):
> I have been building an application that I'm working on by using the action
> stack and the controller action _forward function so that i can reuse actions
> whereever they are required. My question is, is it possible to determine if an
> action is called by the forwarder or action stack rather than directly by a
> page request?
> I have some actions that will change depending on the circumstance and at the
> moment I pass a param when i call another action, but it just feels messy.
No, there's not a way, and I don't intend to add this functionality;
I've been considering having _forward() simply proxy to the action stack
in the future.
Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect | matthew@zend.com
Zend Framework | http://framework.zend.com/