I want to obtain a field from table 'dirempresasbragaempresas'. So:
$empresa = new Empresa();
$this->view->rows = $empresa->fetchAll($empresa->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)
->join(array('sae' => 'sectoractividade_empresa'), 'sae.EmpresaNIPC=empresa.NIPC', array())
->join(array('sa' => 'sectoractividade'), 'sa.CAE=sae.SectorActividadeCAE', array())
->join(array('debe' => 'dirempresasbragaempresas'), 'debe.ID=sa.DirEmpresasBragaEmpresasID', array())
->where('empresa.Estado = ?', 'A')
->order('rand()')->limit(5, 0));
When i do:
foreach ($this->rows as $Row){
I can get the value from the field 'Nome' that came from table 'empresa'.
When i do:
foreach ($this->rows as $Row){
} That is a field from table 'dirempresasbragaempresas', i have the next error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Db_Table_Row_Exception' with message 'Specified column "Descricao" is not in the row' in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/BragaDigital/library/Zend/Db/Table/Row/Abstract.php:182
Thanks by helping me!!