I would like to...
- Serve additional content if my user is a search visitor.
For which...
- I need to set a cookie; after verifying she is indeed a search visitor based on the referrer.
- For the first request: Read a variable in my view helper to render additonal content and
- For subsequent requests: Read the cookie in my view helper to render the additional content
My problem...
- I dont know where to set my cookie?
- How to get hold of the variable in the first request?
Use case...
Show a prominent "Subscribe to our newsletter" form to only search visitors; on landing page and all subsequent pages.
I hope I have been able to explain myself. I can give ot another try of this does not make any sense :)
Can someone share some thoughts in this. All help is appreciated.
- I have a conventional setup
- I have a base controller My_Action which all my controllers extend.