
Re: [fw-mvc] Dojo dijit undefined error

Ops, it seems that you replied to me instead of to the list.

2009/4/23 Kostyantyn Shakhov <kshakhov@gmail.com>
So, it looks like onLoadCaptureStart/onLoadCaptureEnd defines one more
dojo.addOnLoad it put it before parsing dijits. Shouldn't it merge the
code with the existing addOnLoad declaration? How to fix it without
switching to the declarative usage?
The code from Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_Dojo_Container shows that this the programmatical loader of dijits is registered in __toString() method, so I think defining the form element before echoing $this->dojo() is enough. Or, you can call $this->dojo()->registerDijitLoader() at the startup, before adding the other onLoad hooks.

Giorgio Sironi
Piccolo Principe & Ossigeno Scripter
