
[fw-db] findParentRow and new autoloading


I switched to new way of autoloading as introduced in new version of
ZF (autoloader resource). I use it for autoloading of database models,
which are inherited from Zend_Db_Table. The new autoloading works well
in all cases but zend_db_table relationships.

I use My_Model_Users (My is registered autoloader prefix , Model is
registered resource prefix), but findParentRow or other methods
(including the magic methods findAbcViaDef) cannot load these classes
(it suspect that it is located in My/Model/Users.php no matters how it
was set in autoloader).

Is there any good solution to this (I don't want require_once or other
stuff like this, i want autoload)?

Thanks for help

Michal Tuláček

IT specialist, programmer
mobil: +420 777 137 501
email: michal@tulacek.eu
www: http://www.tulacek.eu/
Sent from Praha
