I am trying to make a form which would contain a record from one table (bsae table).
Now i got the problem how to add to that form editing capability for a dependent table (1-m), so multiple records for one record of base table.
What would be the possible approaches for this on Zend_Form (to allow edit/add/delete) the elements from dependent table ?
Some possible approaches:
1. add each element from dependent table as isArray (but then how i would render those multiple elements - for each value? by default would de rendered just one even if setDefault provides an array with values)
2. add each element with _, so: dependentfield1_1, dependentfield1_2, aso
other ideas
Of course, on Javascript add/delete mroe dependent rows would be handled.
I am trying also to keep things simple.
How do you create such forms ?
-- Best regards, Cristian Bichis www.zftutorials.com | www.zfforums.com | www.zftalk.com | www.zflinks.com