According to the docs: "First, you can write methods prefixed with _init to specify discrete code to bootstrap. These methods will be called by bootstrap(), and can also be called as if they were public methods: bootstrap<resource>(). They should accept an optional array of options."
My question is about that last sentence. Where does this array of options come from?
I've tried updating my application.ini file with some options like this:
; autoload
resources.autoload.includeFileCache = APPLICATION_PATH "/data/pluginLoaderCache.php"
Then in my Bootstrap.php file I added this method:
protected function _initAutoload(array $options = array())
Zend_Debug::dump($options); // empty array
Zend_Debug::dump($this->_options['resources']['autoload']); // option exists
Is there a way to read that config setting without manually traversing $this->_options? I'm using the 1.8.0 tag of ZF.