class Amz_Application_Resource_Myresource
extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract
public function init()
// Return myresource so bootstrap will store it in the registry
return $this->getMyresource();
public function getMyresource()
// ...
On 22 Jun 2009, at 20:06, Hector Virgen wrote:
You can bootstrap any resource on demand by calling $this->bootstrap([resource]); This should help prevent any dependency issues.Take a look at this section of the documentation for more details:
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Jeroen Keppens <> wrote:Hi,
Quick question regarding the order application resources are initialized.
Suppose I have in my config file:
resources.myresource.option1 = blah
resources.myresource.option2 = blah
resources.myresource.option3 = blah
This will execute (initialize) my Amz_Application_Resource_Myresource.
I could also use the init in the bootstrap like this:
protected function _initMyresource()
$options = $this->getOptions();
// do stuff
Now, if I add this line to the init, I can force that another resource is loaded/bootstrapped before myresource:
How can I enforce this with application resource classes that depend on something else? a) another resource class or even b) one initialized by the _init* bootstrap functions.
I hope this question makes sense, I'm a bit groggy of studying for my ZFC tomorrow. Think I'm ODing on ZF. ;-)
Jeroen Keppens