
Re: [fw-db] Caching SQL query results

> * In an e-commerce context, how many SQL queries would you consider to
> be too much, for example on a complex product page, with nested
> categories, products and multiple references, collections of products,
> multi-product kits, temporary events, promotions, and everything plus a
> bit of AJAX all over it?

You mean, in a year?

Doesn't make any sense counting queries, if the total is not set in
relation with a specified time.

> * We have a lot of these SQL queries at the moment, and we're
> considering enabling a SQL query result caching mecanism soon. But right
> now, we're wondering where we're supposed to add this kind of system in
> Zend_Db. There don't seem to be any useful hook around it (except
> insert, update & delete). We didn't find where we should hook the system
> because there's so much methods... find(), fetchRow(), fetchAll(),
> findDependentRowset(), findManyToManyRowset() and so on... Moreover,
> since it's not designed to handle ORDB, there don't seem to be any way
> of catching IDs (or whatever column is used as an identifier) in the
> queries. Which is kind of a problem if we want to use it as the cache
> identifier.


[x] Zend_Cache_Manager

and prepare as many cache templates as you like, and then cache results
with cache instances retrieved from there.

> * On the other hand, we do know that MySQL already have some internal
> caching mecanism, but the application still sends dozens of duplicated
> requests to the server on the same page. We don't know if this cache is
> of any help or it's just smoke and mirrors.

Maybe it helps taking a look at an ORM such as Doctrine?

> I already crawled the web, searching for elegant solutions, but all I
> found was some tips'n tricks that are of no use in our situation (static
> caching and manual caching at each query). We really need to automate
> the process because we're kinda building a massive application here.

How about caching at model level?

Best regards,

