I have two bootstraps:http://code.google.com/p/zendframeworkstorefront/source/browse/#svn/branches/TRY-KP-Zapp It is only using a single default module at the moment though, your admin bootstrap I assume this is: modules/admin/Bootstrap.php ? If so I dont believe you need the run to dispatch here, you should only have one dispatch call in the main bootstrap class, the module specific bootstrap are for setting up module specific settings such as resource autoloading.I have module bootstrapping working for a single module here:
1. application/Bootstrap.php
2. application/modules/admin/Bootstrap.php
I have also other modules, and some of modules are gonna have their own bootstrap (for setting plugins, aso). I am trying to keep things modularized as much as possible so into main Bootstrap to keep just essential.
This worked fine for me now couple of days ago, after svn checkout application is loading many seconds then no error is displayed, logged or whatever...
Ok, thanks.Also i got a second question. How can be specified the paths to view helpers ? resources.view.helperPrefix.my = "My_View_Helper_" resources.view.helperPath.my = "My/View/Helper"Having a look at the view resource Zend_Application_Resource_View, new Zend_View($this->getOptions());, so it you can only set what Zend_View takes in its construct, not sure if this includes helper paths.
-- Best regards, Cristian Bichis www.zftutorials.com | www.zfforums.com | www.zftalk.com | www.zflinks.com