
Re: [fw-mvc] remove decorator

The reason the $submit->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); does not work
is because the DtDdWrapper is not registered on elements, the
DtDdWrapper decorator is only used by DisplayGroups and Subforms.

All elements are built like this (in this order):

1. ViewHelper
<input type="hidden" ../>

2. Errors
<input type="hidden" ../>

3. HtmlTag
<input type="hidden" ../>

4. Label
<input type="hidden" ../>

2009/3/26 Ed Lazor <edlazor@internetarchitects.biz>:
> Thanks, Keith - that does help.  I'm still curious about the behavior
> of the form and why it's not working as I expect, but it's very nice
> to have work around solutions as well.
>> I use a css class to hide the dd tag so that there is no gaps in the
>> form visually, you could also do this for the dt as well.
>> Hope this helps

