
Re: [fw-mvc] Module Bootstrap with Zend_Application - error

keith Pope wrote:
2009/3/30 Cristian Bichis <contact@zftutorials.com>:   
Yes, this looks correct.  So in application/Bootstrap.php you have:  run() {   ...dispatch(); }  In application/modules/admin/Bootstrap.php  run() {}  so run() here should be empty  heres one of my older bootstraps, this is totally untested:  class Storefront_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap {     public function _initModule()     {         $this->getResourceLoader()                ->addResourceType(                     'modelResource',                     'models/resources',                     'Resource'                );          $this->getResourceLoader()                ->addResourceType(                     'service',                     'services',                     'Service'                );     }      public function run(){} }    
Thanks for reply.

No method of that module bootstrap doesn't get called.

Maybe has something with my setting:

resources.modules = ""

on configs.ini....

--  Best regards, Cristian Bichis www.zftutorials.com | www.zfforums.com | www.zftalk.com | www.zflinks.com

This worked fine for me now couple of days ago, after svn checkout application is loading many seconds then no error is displayed, logged or whatever...    Also i got a second question. How can be specified the paths to view helpers ?  resources.view.helperPrefix.my = "My_View_Helper_" resources.view.helperPath.my = "My/View/Helper"   Having a look at the view resource Zend_Application_Resource_View, new Zend_View($this->getOptions());, so it you can only set what Zend_View takes in its construct, not sure if this includes helper paths.   Ok, thanks.    -- Best regards, Cristian Bichis www.zftutorials.com | www.zfforums.com | www.zftalk.com | www.zflinks.com        
