I am not sure what you are basing this on. Out of the box, Zend_Acl
does not dictate how you use ACL: with a static definition, or even with
a dynamic definition one might read out of a database.
In general, Zend_Acl is probably one of the lightest components because
it no coupling with other components and only effectively has 2 jobs:
a) to give you the proper interfaces to identify which objects are
roles and resoures, and
b) to give you a minimal set of functionality to be able to determine
if according to the rules it were given, does some role have access to
some resource.
If you are finding that Zend_Acl is too slow, chances are it's not the
actual component, rather the implementation that is suspect number one.
> reading from the disk. I dont think using ACL for high traffic site is a
> good option. Looking at ZF's slow performance using ACL will act as
> icing on cake. Correct me if I am wrong and this reply is not to prove