Zend Framework throws an exception when I use Zend_Auth to authenticate to LDAP when it contains a space in the baseDn. Did anyone else run into this problem?
Here is my LDAP config (ini) options:
params.host = ldap.princeton.edu
params.port = 389
params.baseDn = "o=Princeton University,c=US"
params.accountCanonicalForm = 2
And here is a partial backtrace:
[0] => An unexpected failure occurred
[1] => 0x22 (Invalid DN syntax; Invalid DN): humansky
[2] => host=ldap.princeton.edu,baseDn=o=Princeton University,c=US
[3] => /Users/humansky/Projects/Novus/library/Zend/Ldap.php(899): 0x22 (Invalid DN syntax; Invalid DN): humansky
[4] => #0 /Users/humansky/Projects/Novus/library/Zend/Auth/Adapter/Ldap.php(316): Zend_Ldap->bind('humansky', '*****')
I know this baseDn works, because I've used it a number of times for other various applications and right before I submitted this email, I verified it worked with Ldapper desktop app. Before I submit a bug report, I want to make sure it's not something I'm doing wrong in my INI syntax.
Thank you,