
[fw-mvc] view scripts cont.

I do not mean render. $this->view->results, in the controller that
it was set up for in Zend 1.10, say MaineController, I can access the
results in the /views/scripts/maine/index.phtml file...for example....

>From MaineController.php

for($i=0; $i<sizeof($incentives); $i++){

$ca = new Application_Model_IncentiveOutput();
$incentiveOutput = new Application_Model_IncentiveOutputMapper();
$resultsAdmin[] = $incentiveOutput->find($incentives[$i], $ca);

$request = $this->getRequest();
$this->view->assign('zipCode', $request->getParam('zipCode'));
$this->view->resultsAdmin = $resultsAdmin;

in /views/scripts/maine/index.phtml

<?php foreach($this->resultsAdmin as $incentive) :?>
<?php echo $this->escape($incentive->offeredBy);?>....

my question is why is do I have extra HTML at the beginning of the index.phtml file
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<!-- the page title will be set within the actions -->
<title>Housing Incentives</title> </head>

