(on Wednesday, 27 October 2010, 10:14 AM +0200):
> Sure - it might get the job done, but since you're not following Zend
> Framework Code Conventions, I wouldn't even bother considering to hire
> you if I were the owner of a company that is looking for a developer.
Please, try to keep the comments constructive. Comments like the one
above do nothing to aid the person asking the original question, and
instead polarize the discussion. Sure, the code sample may have used
short tags -- but ZF recommended short tags in view scripts for quite
some time. And, again, this was a _view_ script -- markup generally
follows very different rules than library or application code.
Additionally, different organizations and projects will have their own
requirements for coding standards -- regardless of our own personal
opinions on the matter, it's best to simply evaluate the code, and give
pointers for areas of improvement in the _logic_.
Again, if you have nothing constructive to add to a discussion, please
refrain from posting.
Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead | matthew@zend.com
Zend Framework | http://framework.zend.com/
PGP key: http://framework.zend.com/zf-matthew-pgp-key.asc