
[fw-mvc] Setting View Script Suffix in Application Config

Hi All,

I have been searching this issue all morning, without success. I cannot
figure out how to set the view script suffix in a Zend_Application
configuration file. Basically I'm creating a Zend_Application instance and
passing in a Zend_Config object as the second param, but my custom view
suffix does not take effect.

I can change the *layout* suffix no problem, with:

resources.layout.viewSuffix = "php"

but a configuration like:

resources.view.viewSuffix = "php"


resources.view.suffix = "php"

doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to do this from the config file? I know
that the ViewRenderer Action Helper is where the suffix configuration is
used...but shouldn't the 'resources.view' configuration parameter affect it?
