I'm trying to manipulate the order of the addOnLoad queue for the
Zend_Dojo container. I need to be able to manipulate the DOM after
dojo.parser.parse() is called (so that my dijits are available).
Unfortunately, the only way I can do this is a bit clumsy. I've tried
but this renders backwards (for my needs) as:
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
dojo.forEach(zendDijits, function(info) {
var n = dojo.byId(info.id);
if (null != n) {
dojo.attr(n, dojo.mixin({ id: info.id }, info.params));
and since someFunc() is trying to manipulate dijits, and the dijits are not yet created by parse(), I get javascript errors.
I can work around this with:
but, at best, that's ... clumsy.
Any ideas?
Drew Bertola
* PHP/LAMP Consultant, ZCE-1000 *
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* Tel: 408-966-6671 *
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* current resume: *
* http://drewb.com/blog/about/resume/ *