
Re: [fw-mvc] Deleting files older than 30 days -- qiestion

Thanks, that did the trick!
Yes the file is written only once; so the filemtime() is probably the right function.

On 12/20/08, Brenton Alker <brenton@tekerson.com> wrote:
I think filemtime() is probably the best timestamp you will get, there
is no "created" time (as mentioned on the filectime() page), but
modified is probably correct (assuming the file is only written once).

So something like:

Raavi Raaj wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using thecode below to delete files from the image cache folder.
> How can I modify it to only delete files older than 30 days?
> <?php
>  set_time_limit(900);
>  delete_folder(dirname(__FILE__) .'/cache/');
>  echo '<strong>Done</strong';
>  function delete_folder($folder) {
>   $folder_contents = get_folder_contents($folder);
>   if ($folder_contents) {
>    foreach ($folder_contents as $__content) {
>     echo $__content['item'] .'<br />';
>     if (is_dir($__content['item']))
>      delete_folder($__content['item']);
>     else
      if (time() - filemtime($__content['item']) > (60*60*24*30)){  //
30 days
>       unlink($__content['item']);
>    }
>   }
>   rmdir($folder);
>  }
>  function get_folder_contents($folder) {
>   if( !is_dir($folder) ) {
>    return false;
>   }
>   $return_array = array();
>   $count    = 0;
>   if( $dh = opendir($folder) ) {
>    while( ($file = readdir($dh)) !== false ) {
>     if( $file == '.' || $file == '..' ) continue;
>     $return_array[$count]['item'] = $folder .$file .(is_dir($folder
> .$file) ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : '');
>     $count++;
>    }
>    closedir($dh);
>   }
>   return $return_array;
>  }
> Any suggestions on improving the above code is appreciated.
> -R
