
Re: [fw-core] ZF with godaddy.com

I'm not with godaddy, but i saw in the FAQ
(http://help.godaddy.com/article/3937) that you can switch your version via
the Account Manager.
Still, it is your choice, personally i'm hosting my ZF-stuff myself, so i
cannot speak for or against godaddy ;)


On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 08:19:58 -0400, Garrison Locke
> That is true. I had to add the handler in the htaccess file to make the
> files run with php5 instead of 4. If you have the option, I'd avoid
> GoDaddy entirely.
> David Muir wrote:
>> It should work fine with godaddy. However, by default it seems that
>> .php files get run with php4.
>> see:
>> http://help.godaddy.com/article/1082
>> David
>> Uli Wolf wrote:
>>> I cannot believe that ZF doesn't work on their server. According to
>>> their
>>> FAQ, PHP 5.2.5 is supported
>>> (http://help.godaddy.com/topic/419/article/4180) on Linux Hosting so
>>> even
>>> if they call php in a rally strange way (although i don't think that)
>>> should probably work. A friend of mine runs its workdpress on
>>> godaddy, so
>>> why should ZF refuse to work? Of course with windows hosting, all that
>>> stuff could be working in a different way.
>>> Uli
>>> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 07:05:03 -0400, Chris Tankersley
>>> <chris@tankersleywebsolutions.com> wrote:
>>>> About a year ago when I tried setting up a site on GoDaddy's hosting
>>>> it would not work because of the way that PHP was called by their
>>>> servers (I don't remember the specifics but it was because PHP wasn't
>>>> being called as an Apache Module or as a CGI, they were doing
>>>> something else). I ended up going with another host.
>>>> Chris
>>>> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 10:56 PM, Bain Benjamin
>>>> <bain.benjamin@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> hello everybody,
>>>>> Does anybody have the experience configuring Zend Framework on
>>>>> godaddy.com.
>>>>> My question is:
>>>>> Does godaddy.com hosting support Zend Framework?
>>>>> If yes, how?
>>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> best regards
>>>>> benjamin
