
Re: [fw-mvc] problem with outputting tr's on element decorators

Does anyone happen to know how to format the ReCapature element with TR TD tags. Below is a sample of my form page.

   public $captchaDecorators = array(
       array(array('data' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'td', 'class' => 'element')),
       array(array('row' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'tr')),

       $this->addElement('captcha', 'captcha', array(
           'required'   => true,
           'captcha' => array('captcha' => 'ReCaptcha', 'privKey' => '{$myprivkey}', 'pubKey' => '{$mypubkey}'),


Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
-- water <zflist@yahoo.com> wrote (on Tuesday, 24 February 2009, 12:41 PM -0800):   
I'm trying to create a simple form using the table 'recipe' from the following devzone article(http://devzone.zend.com/article/ 3450-Decorators-with-Zend_Form). I'm having problems with rendering the <tr>'s in element_decorator associated elements. I'm am using ZF 1.7.0. Am I doing something wrong. I have included the class code and the outputted form. Thanks for any help!     
 I found several issues with the code you attached.  First off, it's better to override the init() method than the __construct() method. As it was, the signature you had for __construct() immediately raised an error as it did not follow that used by Zend_Form.  Second, when using decorator aliasing (e.g., array('data' => 'HtmlTag')), you should use an assoc array for the decorator, with the keys "decorator" and "options"; this methodology eliminates errors due to argument order.  I've reworked the class you attached as follows, and it works perfectly:      class AdRefreshForm extends Zend_Form     {              public function init()         {             $this->setAction('/fadmin/app/ad/manage-refresh');                       $this->setDecorators(array(                 'FormElements',                 array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'table')),                 'Form',             ));                          $element_decorator=array(                     'ViewHelper',                     'Errors',                     array('decorator' => array('data' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => array('tag' => 'td', 'class' => 'element')),                     array('Label', array('tag' => 'td')),                     array('decorator' => array('row' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => array('tag' => 'tr')),                 );               $button_decorator=array(                 'ViewHelper',                 array('decorator' => array('data' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => array('tag' => 'td', 'class' => 'element')),                 array('decorator' => array('label' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => array('tag' => 'td', 'placement' => 'prepend')),                 array('decorator' => array('row' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => array('tag' => 'tr')),             );                           $this->addElement('text', 'username', array(                 'decorators'=>$element_decorator,                 'label'=>'Username:',             ));              $this->addElement('text', 'firstname', array(                 'decorators'=>$element_decorator,                 'label'=>'First Name:',             ));                          $this->addElement('text', 'lastname', array(                 'decorators'=>$element_decorator,                 'label'=>'Last Name:',             ));              $this->addElement('submit', 'save', array(                 'decorators'=>$button_decorator,                 'label'=>'Save',             ));               $this->addElement('submit', 'submit', array(                 'label'      => 'Update Me',                 'decorators' => $button_decorator,             ));         }     }    
class AdRefreshForm extends Zend_Form{        public function __construct($channels){         parent::__construct();                                 $this->setAction('/fadmin/app/ad/manage-refresh');                  $this->setDecorators(array(             'FormElements',             array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'table')),             'Form',         ));                 $element_decorator=array(                 'ViewHelper',                 'Errors',                 array(array('data' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'td', 'class' => 'element')),                 array('Label', array('tag' => 'td'),                 array(array('row' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'tr')),             ));           $button_decorator=array(             'ViewHelper',             array(array('data' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'td', 'class' => 'element')),             array(array('label' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'td', 'placement' => 'prepend')),             array(array('row' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'tr')),         );                  $this->addElement('text', 'username', array(             'decorators'=>$element_decorator,             'label'=>'Username:',         ));          $this->addElement('text', 'firstname', array(             'decorators'=>$element_decorator,             'label'=>'First Name:',         ));                 $this->addElement('text', 'lastname', array(             'decorators'=>$element_decorator,             'label'=>'Last Name:',         )); $this->addElement('submit', 'save', array(     'decorators'=>$button_decorator,     'label'=>'Save', ));   $submit=new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit'); $submit->setLabel('Update Me'); $submit->setDecorators($button_decorator);  $this->addElement($submit); return $this;   }  It is generating the following:  <form enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" action="/fadmin/app/ad/ manage-refresh" method="post"> <table>     <td><label for="username" class="optional">Username:</label></td>     <td class="element"><input type="text" name="username" id="username" value= ""></td>     <td><label for="firstname" class="optional">First Name:</label></td>     <td class="element"><input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" value=""></td>     <td><label for="lastname" class="optional">Last Name:</label></td>     <td class="element"><input type="text" name="lastname" id="lastname" value= ""></td>     <tr><td></td><td class="element"><input type="submit" name="save" id="save" value="Save"></td></tr>     <tr><td></td><td class="element"><input type="submit" name="submit" id= "submit" value="Update Me"></td></tr> </table> </form>      
