The changes in Zend_Db_Select in release 1.9.4 started to cause an undefined variable notice:
( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: lastFromCorrelationName in /data/html/ on line 828
To reproduce:
$adapter = Vilage_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$select = $adapter->select()
->from('sometable', 'id');
$select2 = $adapter->select()
->from(null, 'COUNT(*) FROM (' . $select->__toString() . ') AS count');
$result = $adapter->fetchCol($select2);
The variable $lastFromCorrelationName is declared in Zend_Db_Select on line 798, inside an `if` statement, but is used outside it, on line 828.
Moving the declaration to just outside the `if` (line 789) corrects the problem, and all unit tests still pass.
This is a bug or this is the intended behaviour, and I´m using the component in a subverted way?
Thanks in advance.