
Re: [fw-mvc] how to use APPLICATION_ENV

On of the main reasons that this constant is used is b/c it map nicely
to an actual environment variable.

In my projects, I typically SetEnv this variable inside the vhost. The
constant will have different values on different systems, but from that
point, the index.php will either use what its seen, or assume production

By setting this value in the actual environment itself (like a vhost
that is generally not transfered with the project), the project itself
can be as portable between dev, testing, qa, prod. as possible).

Hope that sheds some light on its usage.


huajun qi wrote:
> I know zend defines a APPLICATION_ENV variable in the index.php file,
> but we don't see it is used explicitly. Is it used in zend source code?
> Does it have some usage to help develop?
> --
> Location:
